Saturday, December 19, 2009

What kind of shampoo and conditioner should I use on a boxer puppy?

Something gentle made specifically for pets like ';Perlyte'; available from your vet. It is gentle, soap free, and really brightens the ';whites'; on any dog.

Do not use human products, and do not use dish detergent-- none of these are formulated for the different pH of dog skin, and can cause dry, itchy skin.What kind of shampoo and conditioner should I use on a boxer puppy?
I prefer HyLyte shampoo available at most vets and PetSmart. It's a soap-free shampoo that works well on dogs that have been treated with flea and tick products such as Frontline, etc. Because it is soap free it will not wash away the product or irritate the skin.What kind of shampoo and conditioner should I use on a boxer puppy?
i would use earth bath puppy shampoo you can find it at petco
I always used baby shampoo until my boxer developed allergies. Now we wash her with a hypoallergenic shampoo. Boxers are prone to allergies.
Any shampoo that is for dogs is OK. Remember that dogs should not be bathed more often than every 3 weeks - overbathing will lead to skin trouble.
crazy dog shampoo it smells lik baby powder and is tear free wont affect his eyes.

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